Seamus Ryder
Seamus Ryder is a partner with Metcalf & Company, a boutique maritime law firm located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Recognized as a "National Leader in Shipping & Transport" by Who's Who Legal, he regularly acts for insurers, shippers, shipowners, and shipbuilders in all aspects of maritime law, as well as corporate & commercial law, administrative law, procurement & trade law, environmental law & regulatory affairs, and related litigation. Seamus' interest in Arctic shipping began as an LL.M. student at UiT - the Arctic University of Norway, where he authored a master's thesis on Canada's regulation of shipping in the Northwest Passage. He continued his research and teaching on Arctic shipping and other topics related to maritime law as a legal intern with the United Naton's Division for Ocean Law and Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, and later, as a Research Fellow at the Norwegian Cenre for Law of the Sea. In addition to his private practice, he continues to teach maritime law as a lectureer at Dalhousie University's School for Resource and Environmental Studies and the Schulich School of Law.