INVOLVEMENT IN THE COMITE MARITIME INTERNATIONAL: Titulary Member (2021); Participant in all events since 2013 (Dublin) till now, save New York; Representative of the Spain’s MLA since 2013 in the Assemblies as Treasurer of our MLA, save New York; Rapporteur of the IWG on the Restatement of Lex Maritima Internationalis since its formation; Member of the “Task Force” on the Future of the CMI that submitted its report in London 1018; Contributor to answers of the Spain’s MLA to several questionnaires of the IWGs.
ACADEMIC: Fellow (“Académico Correspondiente” of the Royal Academy of Law (Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación), since 2018. Fellow (“Adémico Correspondiente” of the Royal Academy of the Sea since 2021. Ph.D. in Roman Law, University Complutense of Madrid, 1990. Degree in Law, University Complutense de Madrid, 1986. Diploma on European Unión Law, Madrid Law Society (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid), 1987. Associated Prof. of the Departamemt of Roman Law of the Faculty of Law of the University Complutense of Madrid (since 1991 to 2011) and of the Stock Exchange Studies Institute (Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles formed by the University and the Madrid Stock Exchange since 1998 to 2011). Patron of the Roman Law foundation “Prof. Ursicino Álvarez” since 2010 until today. Honorary Professor of Roman Law since 2011 until today. Diploma on General Management (PDG), IESE, Madrid, 2005.
OTHER TEACHING ACTIVITIES: Director and Lecturer of the first Master in International Business Law of the Law Society of Madrid (MDNI/ICAM). Lecturer on tug contracts, charter parties, demurrage and bills of lading in the EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR MARITIME STUDIES (INSTITUTO EUROPEO DE ESTUDIOS MARÍTIMOS (IEEM), Gijón, Spain), in several years. Lecturer of chartering contracts INESE, Madrid, Spain. Lecturer of International Oil Contracts in the Master of Energy Law of the Spain’s Energy Club (Club Español de la Energía – ENERCLUB), Madrid, Spain. Lecturer of International Transport and Insurance Contracts. Master on International Law, ESADE, Barcelona, Spain. Lecturer on INCOTERMS. Madrid Chamber of Commerce. Director and Lecturer of Courses of International Commercial Contracts and Commercial Contracts in the Law Society of Madrid. As Treasurer of the Spain’s MLA since 2012 until today has: Co-organized the Annual Congresses, Conferences and Webinars on different shipping law topics and moderator of the Panels on Maritime Jurisdiction,
Marine Safety, Maritime Privileges and Judicial Sales of Vessels.
PROFESSIONAL: Lawyer of the Law Society of Madrid since 1986. Associated Lawyer and partner (1991) at ANTONIO VIÑAL & CO. Abogados. Founder and partner at CASAS & GARCÍA-CASTELLANO, Abogados. Secretary of the Board of Directors of several international and national Groups. Member of the Board of Director of several companies. Member of the Legal Group of the Spain’s Cluster of Fishing International Companies (Grupo Jurídico del Cluster de Empresas Pesqueras en el Exterior). Member of the Legal Group of PROMARCA, Spain.
OTHER: Treasurer of the Asociación Española de Derecho Marítimo since 2012 until now. Member of the Institute of Director and Officers (Instituto de Consejeros y Administradores) until 2008. Member of the “think tank” “Justice and Civil Society” of the Aspen Institute, Spanish Branch (several meetings). Former member the “task force” formed by the DG XI of the European Commission on fight against marine pollution, participating in exercises of preparedness and response against pollution at seas. ELCANO Prize of the Spanish Navy (1988) for creating and coordinating the Maritime Supplement “El Correo Marítimo” of the journal “El Correo Gallego” (Santiago de Compostela, Spain). During his partnership at ANTONIO VIÑAL & CO cooperated with the Secretariat of the Galician Shipowners Association (Asociación de Navieros Gallegos) and the Association of Agents of the Port of Vigo (Asociación de Consignatarios del Puerto - de Vigo)
LANGUAGES: English. Diplomas of DAVIS’S SCHOOL OF ENGLISH. Cambridge. UK Italian. INSTITUTO ITALIANO DI CULTURA. Madrid, Spain. French. Basic level. Portuguese. Basic level.